Davis Bay Bed & Breakfast
Establishment and lodging at 4632 Sunshine Coast Highway, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A2, Canada. Here you will find detailed information about Davis Bay Bed & Breakfast: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.
Establishment Lodging
4632 Sunshine Coast Highway
British Columbia V0N 3A2
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+1 604-885-5404
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Davis Bay B&B : Oceanfront| Sechelt B&B | Sunshine Coast B&B
Davis Bay B&B is a Sechelt Bed and Breakfast located in Davis Bay on the Sunshine Coast offering accommodations with romantic spanning views of the ocean.
Sunshine Coast Bed and Breakfast, Sunshine Coast B&B, sechelt B&B, B&B Sunshine Coast BC, B&B, Sechelt, Sunshine Coast, British Columbia, BC, waterfront, oceanfront, Davis Bay B&B, Davis Bay bed and breakfast, Sunshine Coast accommodation, hotel, bnb
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22:00 8 ℃ 1026 hPa 68 % 4 m/s